
"Living with beautiful objects is not a luxury,it's a necessity." -Garrett Hack


Making fine furniture begins with the right materials.I source all my timber from local sawmills and dry it in my own kiln,therefore allowing as personal an involvement in each piece as possible.

Having a large stock of all the native Irish species allows me to chose the right parts for each piece and ensures consistency of tone throughout.I also invite potential clients to browse through my timber store in search of the perfect boards!                  


Using finely tuned hand tools allows me to achieve smooth and crisp details in my furniture.It also lends to a quieter,more relaxed atmosphere in my workshop,something I hope shines through in each piece.


I take inspiration from the timeless designs and attention to detail in 19th century furniture.I feel there is still a place for these classics in modern day living when adapted with a contemporary twist.I believe furniture should be elegant,well proportioned and above all honest.Simplicity in design is something I always strive for,allowing the wood to speak for itself.